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Recipe for Success: Franchisee Training

Recipe for Success: Franchisee Training

We rounded out the year with another great franchisee training in Denver, CO.  The newest members of our ‘ohana flew in to participate in a week-long, hands-on franchisee training program designed to jumpstart their business.   Meet the new crew! Phillip Lin-...
How to Make Your Holiday Party Better Than the Rest!

How to Make Your Holiday Party Better Than the Rest!

It’s just about time to throw out the pumpkins and bring on the holiday parties! Christmas lights are already beginning to pop up and there’s a chill in the air. Soon you’ll be receiving e-vites to your company holiday party, your best friend’s white elephant gift...
4 Years and Phelan Good!

4 Years and Phelan Good!

Since opening their Phelan, California store in 2011, Michael and Darlene McQuown have thrown an anniversary party each year to celebrate and show the community their appreciation. In its fourth year of being open, Michael was unable to host the anniversary party so...

Grand Opening Luau!

Over the weekend, we celebrated the grand opening of our new store in Denver, Colorado in true Hawaiian style. The store, which is in the Lowry community at Hangar 2, is the site of our hands-on franchisee training program and is our first company-owned location. To...
Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Info – California Only

©2025 KAHALA FRANCHISING, LLC., All Rights Reserved

You may submit additional information and questions to Maui Wowi Hawaiian Coffees & Smoothies Franchise Development Department at:
franchising@kahalamgmt.com or Kahala Franchising, LLC – 9311 E. Via de Ventura, Scottsdale, AZ 85258

All trademarks referenced are property of their respective owners. The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and is not intended as an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, a franchise; nor is it directed to the residents of any particular jurisdiction within the U.S. or elsewhere. The following states currently regulate the offer and sale of franchises: CA, HI, IL, IN, MD, MI, MN, NY, ND, RI, SD, VA, WA, and WI. If you are a resident of one of these states, or of a jurisdiction that has similar requirements, we will not offer you a franchise until we have completed the applicable registration (or obtained the exemption from registration) and complied with any other applicable pre-sale registration and/or disclosure requirements in the applicable jurisdiction. Regardless of what state you reside in, an offering can only be made by a franchise disclosure document.