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Teacher_BlastMaui Wowi franchisees come from all walks of life. In our ‘ohana there are those who have worked in the corporate world year after year, answering to top executives or being one themselves. Others have grown up working in the family business and have learned what it takes to make it successful. We have military veterans, stay-at-home moms, and established entrepreneurs. But there’s also another group of franchisees that sometimes gets overlooked…teachers. They fill the minds of children, teenagers, and young adults with knowledge and wisdom to lead them into their futures. Today, Maui Wowi is saying Mahalo to the current and retired teachers who have worked hard to prepare our youth for a better tomorrow.

As a teacher, Maui Wowi is offering 10% off the franchise fee, now through the end of August 2014, for those who qualify and are interested in finding the “ultimate summer job”….business ownership! The flexibility of Maui Wowi provides the perfect complement as a business that can be worked on weekends, holidays, and of course, summer break. A secondary source of income can be achieved while having fun, enjoying the outdoors, and giving back to the community through the No-Work Fundraising Program.

“Being a coach, I understand the importance of both raising money for your program and making sure my athletes are putting healthy foods and drinks into their body. I love the fact that Maui Wowi can do this for me and I will have the opportunity to give back to other hard working schools along the way,” said Maui Wowi franchisee Chad Knee who is also a dedicated high school teacher and wrestling coach for over 10 years.

“Teachers are a great fit as Maui Wowi franchisees. They are community focused, hardworking, and fun loving,” said Justin Livingston, Vice President of Business Development at Maui Wowi. “We want to say Mahalo (thank you) to all the teachers out there and offer them another way to spend their summers; as a business owner.”

For more information about Maui Wowi Hawaiian’s Teacher Discount as well as other franchise opportunities, please visit https://www.mauiwowifranchise.com.


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©2025 KAHALA FRANCHISING, LLC., All Rights Reserved

You may submit additional information and questions to Maui Wowi Hawaiian Coffees & Smoothies Franchise Development Department at:
franchising@kahalamgmt.com or Kahala Franchising, LLC – 9311 E. Via de Ventura, Scottsdale, AZ 85258

All trademarks referenced are property of their respective owners. The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and is not intended as an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, a franchise; nor is it directed to the residents of any particular jurisdiction within the U.S. or elsewhere. The following states currently regulate the offer and sale of franchises: CA, HI, IL, IN, MD, MI, MN, NY, ND, RI, SD, VA, WA, and WI. If you are a resident of one of these states, or of a jurisdiction that has similar requirements, we will not offer you a franchise until we have completed the applicable registration (or obtained the exemption from registration) and complied with any other applicable pre-sale registration and/or disclosure requirements in the applicable jurisdiction. Regardless of what state you reside in, an offering can only be made by a franchise disclosure document.